In an article about the autolaunchers, we provide you with a step-by-step instruction on how to create an autolauncher as well as multiple examples and ideas on when to use the autolauncher feature.

In this article, we’ll focus on discussing how scheduled publishing works.

  1. While adding an autolauncher, you have the option to choose when the autolauncher will be automatically published and when it will automatically expire. You need to provide date and time in UTC.

  1. You will see the information about the schedule under the title. if you hover over UTC, you will see the current UTC time.

  1. When the autolauncher is active and published, you will see that information under the title too.

  1. When the autolauncher expires, it will become inactive and you will see it under the Inactive tab.

  1. If you would like to play the expired autolauncher again, you need to change the dates you set up previously. Without changing the dates first, you will see an error message.

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